Data: 17/06/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Interpretação textual

Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva
Nome:___________________________________________ Série: 9º ano A
Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                       Data: 17/06/2020
Conteúdo: Interpretação textual


Brazil is the fifth most significant and most populated country in the world. In relative terms, Europe is slightly larger than Brazil, making it the largest country in South America.
Brazil is not only enormous, BUT it also boasts about two-thirds of the Amazon Rainforest. ALTHOUGH this is a fact about Brazil to be proud of, the government is doing little to nothing to preserve it.
Amazon, ON THE OTHER HAND, is the largest rainforest, AND the place still has the world’s largest river in volume.
While Amazon is a unique place on earth, the world’s largest swamp is also in Brazil. The Pantanal is an “up and coming” tourist destination in the last five years.
Disponível em: Acesso em 15 de maio de 2020


01. Faça a tradução do texto I.
Tadução do texto I

02-         Answer the questions below based on the text. – Responder em português.
a)                  What is the largest country in South America? (Qual é o maior país da América do Sul?)
b)                 Is Amazon the smallest rainforest in Brazil? ( A Amazônia é a menor floresta tropical do
c)                  What is the world’s largest swamp?  (Qual é o maior pântano do mundo?)
03. Leia o texto I novamente para completar as sentenças.
a) In relative terms, Europe is _________________ larger than Brazil, making it the largest ______________ in South America.
b) While Amazon is a ________________ place on earth, the world’s _____________ swamp is also in Brazil.


Disponível em: Acesso em 15 de maio de 2020.

04. Faça a tradução do texto II.

05-         Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false statements. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto. Depois, corrija as sentenças falas. )

a)      Anna Bomby is a famous TV host on French TV.

b)      Cristina’s accent is funny.

c)      France was more expensive than Brazil.

d)     The author thinks that Brazilians are friendly people.

06-         According to the text, describe the Brazilian exchange students.( De acordo com o texto, descreva os intercambistas brasileiros ) – Responder em português.


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