Data: 22/04/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Linking words.
Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva Nome:___________________________________________ Série: 9º ano A Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima Data: 22/04/2020 Conteúdo: Linking words. Leia os textos e traduza-os para responder as atividades em seu caderno: Social Security in Brazil All employees, self-employed and employers in Brazil are required to make contributions to the social security system. However, as the number of beneficiary rises and the contributions decline, the Brazilian social security is on the brink of disaster. The Social welfare ( Previdência Social ) covers illness, disability, maternity, unemployment pensions and death. In theory, the benefits are very high and would normally offer sufficient security. Yet for low...