Data: 17/06/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Correção das atividades do dia 10/06/2020.

Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva
Nome:___________________________________________ Série: 9º ano A
Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                       Data: 10/06/2020
Conteúdo: Second conditional
01.   Put the verb into the correct tense:(Coloque o verbo no tempo correto)
a)  If I were be   you, I would get  a new classmate for the work.
b)  If she were (be) single, she would travel (travel) more.
c)  If they weren’t (not / be) friends, they would be (be) sad about it.
d)  If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) my own company.

02. Choose the correct option for these 2nd Conditional sentences:
A) If I had more money, I would travel around the world.
a) have
b) had
c) would have
d) will have

B) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a estrutura da segunda condicional em inglês.
a) Simple present + Simple present + imperative
b) Simple Present + will + verb
c) Simple Past +Would + verb
d) Simple Past + would + verb to be
e) Simple Past + would have + verb
Complete correctly:

C) If she  knew how to drive, she wouldn't take car lessons.
a) knows
b) know
c) knew
d) known

03. Complete the sentences below using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form. (Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos entre colchetes no formato apropriado.)
a. If I  were, I wouldn’t lie to them. (to be)
(Se eu fosse você, eu não mentiria pra eles.)
b. I would call the police if someone broke into my house. (break into)
(Eu chamaria a polícia se alguém arrombasse minha casa.)
c. She would help me if she could. (to help)
(Ela me ajudaria se ela pudesse.)
d. I would buy that car if I  were you. It’s a real bargain! (to be)
(Eu compraria aquele carro se eu fosse você. Está uma pechincha!)
e. What would you do if you found a wallet on the street? (to find)
(O que você faria se achasse uma carteira na rua?)


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