Data: 18/11/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Correção das atividades do dia 11.11.2020.


Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:_________________________________________Série: 9º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                 Data: 11/11/2020

Conteúdo: Present Perfect – Atividade de fixação



01. Siga o modelo:

a.   Fred, open the door!

__ What have you just done?

      ( O que você acabou de fazer?)

__ I have just opened the door.

( to open – opened – opened)


b.   Fred, close the door!

__ What have you just done?)

( O que você acabou de fazer?)

 __ I have just closed the door!

( to close – closed – closed)


c)    Jane, drinks that milk!

__ What have you just done?)

( O que você acabou de fazer?)

__ I have just drunk that milk!

( to drink – drank – drunk)


d)         Joe, eats the apple!

__ What have you just done?)

( O que você acabou de fazer?)

__ I have just eaten the apple!

( to eat – ate – eaten)


02.    Escreva as frases na forma negativa:

a)   Mary has already found the Keys.

Mary hasn’t found the keys yet.

b)   They have already eaten.

They haven’t eaten yet.


c)   I have already visited Rio.

I haven’t visited Rio yet.

d)   We have already seen that film.

We haven’t seen that film yet.

e)   John has already paid the bill.

John hasn’t paid the bill yet.


03.       Escreva as frases na forma interrogativa:

a)   I have been here for a week.

Have I been here for a week?

b)   She has just eaten the apple.

Has she just eaten the apple?

c)   We have worked in that firm.

Have we worked in that firm?

d)   They have just arrived.

Have they just arrived?

e)   He has told many interesting stories.

Has he told many interesting stories?

04.    Traduza as palavras abaixo:

Door - porta

Bill - conta

Week - semana

Key - chave

Beach - praia



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