Data: 21/10/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Correção das Atividades do Conditionals (If-clauses) – Revisão.


Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:__________________________________________Série: 9º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                  Data: 21/10/2020

Conteúdo: Conditionals (If-clauses) – Revisão

Leia a tabela com atenção para responder as atividades 01.


01. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. (Escolha a resposta correta para completar as frases. )  

I ) If I _____ the question, I would answer.

a) (    ) understood

b) (    ) understand

c) (    ) will understand

d) (    ) is understanding


II ) I f it _____ tomorrow, I will go for a swim.

a) (     ) do not rain

b) (     ) did not rain

c) (     ) were not rain

d) (     ) does not rain


III ) If you eat fast food, you _____________ weight.

a) (      ) gained

b) (      ) had gained

c) (      ) would gain

d) (      ) gain


Leia atentamente o mapa e traduza o texto para responder a atividade 02.

Let’s read the text and do some exercises!

Disponível em: Acesso em 10 de set. de 2020.

02.       Read the following text and answer the questions in Portuguese.  (Leia o texto a seguir e responda às perguntas em português )


The use of the English language in most current and former member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations was inherited from British colonisation. Mozambique is an exception – although English is widely spoken there, it is a former Portuguese colony, which joined the Commonwealth in 1996. English is spoken as a first or second language in most of the Commonwealth. In a few countries, such as Cyprus and Malaysia, it does not have official status, but is widely used as a lingua franca.


a)   What was inherited from British colonisation? (O que foi herdado da colonização britânica )


b)    Which country is a former Portuguese colony? ( Que país é uma ex-colônia portuguesa? )


c)    When did Mozambique join the Commonwealth? (Quando Moçambique aderiu à Comunidade? )


d) Is English spoken as a first or second language in most of the Commonwealth? (  O inglês é falado como primeira ou segunda língua na maior parte da Comunidade? )





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