Data: 30/09/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Correção das Atividades do dia 23/09/2020.

Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:__________________________________________Série: 9º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                  Data: 23/09/2020

Conteúdo: Passive voice



01.       Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice:

02.       I told them the truth.

The truth was told to them.

03.       He showed Nina his new books.

His new books were shown to

04.       She offered Iwlah a job.

A new job was offered to Iwlah.

05.       Ingrid has sent me a letter.

A letter was sent to me.

02. Escolha a  forma verbal correta da voz passive para completar a sentença.

a)    They can take the book. The book __________by them.

 (   ) can be taken                                     (   ) be taken

b) You must obey the rules. The rules ________________by you.

(   ) obeyed                                               (   )  must be obeyed

c) My friends broke the window. The window __________________.

 (    )  was broken                                    (   ) were broken

d) We will give a lunch here. A lunch __________________here.

(    )   to give                                             (    ) will be given


03.     As frases dos exercícios abaixo estão na active voice. Passe-as para a passive voice. ( Leia a explicação novamente para responder essa atividade).

a)       Jerry ate the cheese. ( O gato comeu o queijo)

The cheese was eaten by Jerry. (O queijo foi comido pelo Jerry.)

b)       Mary does the laundry on weekends. ( Maria lava a roupa suja no final de semana. )

The laundry is done by Mary on weekends. (A roupa suja é lavada por Mary aos fins de semana.)

c)        Helen is walking the dog. (  Helen  está levando o cachorro para passear)

The dog is being walked by Helen. (O cachorro está sendo levado para passear pela Helen.)

d)       John has washed the car. ( John tem lavado o carro )

The car has been washed by John. (O carro tem sido lavado pelo John.)

e)   Brad had visited this museum before. ( Brad tem visitado esse museu antes)

This museum had been visited by Brad before.

f)    Doug was cooking dinner. ( Doug esta preparando o jantar)

Dinner was being cooked by Doug.( O jantar estava sendo cozinhado pelo Doug. )



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